Session 1: Cybernetics

The Cybernetic Session at the 2nd International Conference on Computer, Cybernetics, and Education (ICCCE-2024) in Jakarta, Indonesia, offers an enriching exploration of the multifaceted world of cybernetics. This session brings together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts to share insights, discuss advancements, and collaboratively shape the future of this dynamic field.


Agent Based Modeling


Medical Informatics


Awareness Computing

04 :

Multimedia Communication

05 :

Intelligent Mobile Computing

06 :

Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems

07 :

Intelligent Industrial Systems

08 :

Big Data Computing

09 :

Intelligent Internet Systems

10 :

Cognitive Situation Management

11 :

Intelligent Vehicular Systems

12 :

Cybernetics for Cyber Physical Systems

13 :

Quantum for Cybernetics

14 :


15 :

Cyber Medical Systems

16 :

Medical Informatics

17 :

Social Computing


Granular Computing

19 :

Social Intelligence

20 :

Bio Informatics

21 :

Artificial Life

22 :

Biometric Systems

23 :

Computational Life Science

24 :

Knowledge- Based Systems

25 :

Heuristic Algorithm

26 :

Knowledge Acquisition

27 :

Self Organization Approach

28 :

Swarm Intelligence

29 :

Quantum Machine Learning

30 :Transfer Learning

Key Themes:

Foundations of Cybernetics:

Unravel the historical evolution and core principles that define the field of cybernetics.

Examine the theoretical frameworks that underpin cybernetic systems.

Applications in Technology and AI

Showcase practical applications of cybernetics in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and control systems.

Explore cutting-edge technologies influenced by cybernetic principles.

Enhancing Human-Cybernetic Interaction:

Investigate how cybernetics contributes to and transforms human-computer interaction.

Discuss adaptive interfaces, user-centric designs, and advancements in interactive technologies.

Integrating Cybernetics into Education:

Explore innovative approaches to integrating cybernetic principles into educational practices.

Discuss adaptive learning environments and the impact of cybernetics on pedagogy.

Addressing Ethical Considerations:

Delve into the ethical considerations associated with the development and deployment of cybernetic technologies.

Establish guidelines for responsible and ethical practices in the field.

Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

Encourage collaboration between cybernetics and other disciplines.

Explore cross-disciplinary applications and potential synergies.


The Cybernetic Session adopts a dynamic format, incorporating keynote presentations from esteemed experts, research paper presentations, and interactive panel discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in Q&A sessions, fostering a collaborative atmosphere for knowledge exchange.


Dr. Vahab Iranmanesh

Programme Leader ( Master’s in cyber security)

European Forensic Institute

United Kingdom


Mr. Santosh Kamane

Co-Founder & CEO

CyberFIT Solutions Pvt Ltd




Computational Intelligence And Machine Learning
ISSN: 2582-7464
Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Computer Applications
ISSN: 2583-3472


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISSN: 2321-8169
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security
ISSN: 2073-607X
International journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
ISSN: 2147-6799
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences ISSN 1935-0090 (print) ISSN 2325-0399 (online)
ISSN: 2148-2403
Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities
ISSN: 2589-7799
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